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Calibrators Parts
Category Category Items
120V Charger,2.5mm Calibrators
120V Charger,2.5mm Calibrators

Caps Air Inlet Caps, PK/2
Caps Air Inlet Caps, PK/2 Calibrator

1oz Soap Dispenser Bottle
Soap Solution,1oz.Bottle

8oz.Bottle Soap Solution
Soap Solution,8oz.Bottle


For all work not covered under warranty, A. P. Buck, Inc. reserves the right to proceed with repairs up to a maximum cost of $250 without notifying the customer, If major components must be replaced, A. P. Buck, Inc. will notify the customer before proceeding with repairs. When the instrument (s) is returned, please include a purchase order marked "Repair Cost Not To Exceed $250 Without Customer Authorization." Also, include name, return address, contact name and telephone number, serial number (s) date of purchase, and description of problem.

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